
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pundits and superdelegates

The task in front of the common citizen is to ignore the pundits and to understand the need and service provided by the superdelegates. Frankly, I am just a common citizen, hardly interested in issues unless they touch me directly. And that is one of the problems with democracy. My ignorance has the same weight when it comes to voting as my husband's broad knowledge. I couldn't care less about NAFTA until it begins to affect my pocketbook. And that doesn't happen right away and/or directly, either for me to understand all the ramifications.

Now, about the pundits. They should be informing us, truly teaching us the fundamentals of policies and the consequences of same. They do not. They sit on the sideline and grab around for the latest topic that will create buz on the air waves. If you choose to watch television you do not get automatic feed of all news. You get tiny bits of fluff. You must educate yourself and must walk to the libraries and book stores and do the old-fashioned research.

The superdelegates, on the other hand, are supposed to be the most informed of voters, people who have the party's concerns at heart. They will ultimately maintain the party's ship on course. Somehow, though, this entire idea of one class of people who have more power than the rest of us doesn't feel right. It feels like the parental unit having veto power on the goals of the family. We all want to feel like adults when we have arrived at adulthood. The trouble is, in most cases, that we want the rights of adulthood but not the responsibilities.

So, pundits and superdelegates do have power over us as long as we sit passively. Our voices need to be educated and they need to be loud

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