
Friday, March 19, 2010

Note from a friend: Read on!

Hi, Friends:

The New York Times is carrying a story today saying the proposed Congressional Health bill will cut the U.S. deficit by $100 Billion over 10 Years. The information comes form House of Representatives Majority Leader, citing a report from the Congressional Budget Office.

Synopsis: The proposed final health care legislation would cut the

federal deficit by more than $100 billion over the first 10

years, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said on Thursday,

citing a finding by the Congressional Budget Office that is

expected to be released on Thursday. The office found that

the overhaul would cut the deficit by more than $1 trillion

over the subsequent decade, Mr. Hoyer said.

For the full report, see: There is also a link there to the CBO report.

I encourage you to share this with your friends.



Rosaria Williams said...

Thank you, Rob-bear for the email. I'm passing it on.

Cheryl Cato said...

Yes, thanks both Rob-bear & Rosaria for posting this.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Not a complete fan of how it is written, but so hope it passes.

Monkey Man said...

If true, that would be a huge step in the right direction for the US. I will have to check out the link.

rjerdee said...

Yippee, if it passes..

the walking man said...

Now is the time to dance or forever stay on the chairs with the wallflowers. Something has got to give or soon enough health care will jump to 30% of the economy because greed knows no bounds,

potsoc said...

I'm worried about your Health care bill. It may be a brilliant compromise between a true universal public system and a totally private one but it may prove tough to apply.
I do wish it works though for all those who have nothing as of now.

Unknown said...

I'm on board...I really want that bill to be passed. Did you see President Obama talking on tv today? He is such a compelling speaker. (Soooo far ahead of his predecessor!)

Anonymous said...

I do hope the bill is passed. Good luck to all Americans who are patiently waiting for the reform of healthcare provision :o)

Tabor said...

There is a lot of fear about this bill. I am sure that tweaking will be necessary if it gets passed. If it does not pass we will have decades more of bankruptcy due to health issues.

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Everyday Goddess said...

I really hope we will begin to care about the health of people more than we have up until now. We are capable of so much compassion when we make it a priority. Thanks for sharing this!

Velva said...

I called my local congressman today to encourage him to pass the health care bill. I have my fingers crossed on Sunday that the House will pass the measure.

NitWit1 said...

I'm tired of reading and hearing about it from left to right, up and down , and all around.

Hope something happens Sunday and we move on.

RNSANE said...

I have to read the link thoroughly when I have a little more time. It deserves my full attention.

Sarah Laurence said...

Yes, I have been following this but thanks for spreading the news. It is shocking that we don't have universal healthcare already and even more troubling that people are fighting it. Fingers crossed!

Brian Miller said...

thanks for speading this!

Rosaria Williams said...

We emailed Pete De Fazio last night, letting him know how we feel about this important legislation. If you have not done it already, let your representative know your point of view!