No. This is not on my property. I do not own a riding stable. I do not own horses. I don't ride them either. But I do like to look at them. And everytime I do, I remember how much my dad loved horses.
He had horses all his life, for practical purposes. He even served in the Cavalry.
Horses and I, however have little else in common. Except, they remind me of the good old days, when people dressed properly, were polite, played by the rules of civilized behavior, and were never caught telling lies or showing their dirty linens in public.
And that brings me to today's topic. How politics has lost decorum, class!
Political views aside, politics is the art of getting things done with people with disparate views. We like politicians who can list a series of accomplishments that support our point of view, our local community's elan.
Lately, however, we are flaunting something else, the art of knocking things down, destroying what has been accomplished, villyfying any achievement that we disagree with. This is not politics.
This is arena fighting.
Christians versus Lions.
No holds barred.
Fight to the death.
It's a mid-term election that instead of correcting a course, it's bent on staying on the course, right or wrong. Ouch!
We all better put our gloves on!
it is so discouraging.
Tacky, classless, berating, inflammatory, -boardering defamation...these are just a few discriptive words I can think of that pertain.
Not to mention the candidates themselves are often tacky and classless!
in this post modern era its all about deconstruction...tearing apart...yeah its gonna get nuts around here i am afraid...
I don't find value in it one bit. Years ago when I was teaching overseas it was a spectacle in Taiwan to see a politician jump a table, roll up his shirt, and stomp toward his political opponent to take him out with a punch. Seems to me it's not so far off the mark now, in Canada, or the United States. I'd much rather a light be shone on what WILL be done, rather than someone else's dirty underwear! It's disheartening.
I'm so glad the commercials for these people are over for a bit. God help us in 2012...
Our politics and politicians north and south of the 45th parallels are a sorry sight. Not good for democracy.
Everyone has said it so well. Me, I'm just going to agree with all these wonderful folks who have shared their opinions with you. I'll definitely go with Ellen's comment, "it is so discouraging".
My fellow Canadian potsoc is "right on the money." Politics has become a horrid spectacle of ridiculous one-upmanship and seeking power for the sake of having power.
My son has an interesting attitude about this. "Don't vote; it only encourages them." As in encourages them to act desperately immature and clueless. While he has a point, I'm with you in thinking that, if I don't vote, I don't have any right to complain.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
Think all politicians should under go mental evaluations. Anyone wanting to be in office today and willing to suffer the process, is suspect.
I agree, nothing is changing.
A friend and I with somewhat mild different political views agreed after Election Day was over, It will be SAME-O, SAME-O, SAME-O.
I hate the exposure of, or the digging up of the dirty laundry. Most of us have some mistakes. I particularly resented the witch accusation and I don't believe or participate in anything associated with witchcraft. Young people have inquiring minds, sometimes without good sense.
A sad state of affairs.
It's an embarrassment to see our faces abroad. We look like a vicious and angry people...collapsing under the shame of selfishness, greed, and absolute rudeness.
well said and great post - couldn't agree with you more, rosaria. politics these days seems to be an awful lot of focus on ripping your opponent and getting re-elected than getting the job done.
No good being Mr. popular when there is so much damage to sort out. Our 'leaders' are finding their popularity waining because it is not happening fast enough. But we have been running on empty for some time and we have to make sacrifices.
All I can say is that it's even worse over here!
I so agree with you. I was so tired of the ads. I want a leader who can help us see what is possible, help us be better than we thought we could be, help us meet our potential. I really believe that together we can overcome all challenges. But, we have to work together. I was so disappointed in the Republican response to Obama's speech after the election...where there goal is to replace OBama in two years, not work with the Democrats to make needed changes.
yes, and after a while, citizens just quit listening!
It's discouraging. But...perhaps it will have surprising repercussions in 2012.
Thank you all for stopping by. This is another learning experience on the way to wisdomhood!
Stay informed!
We must always ask ourselves,when it comes to policy decisions, are these good in the long run; will they benefit the majority of people without punishing the minority? Without our constant intelligent dialogue and communication with our representatives, the folks in Washington will listen to those who approach and buy them lunch. We may not have their ears all the time, but we must make sure they are listening!
I love politics but I do not like all the character assassination that goes on! Why can't the politicians just stick to the issues?
great discussion here.. Politics today is all about pushing personal agendas instead the interest of the people.. very classless indeed
Amen, do I ever agree with you
( not an unusual state ). It really is deplorable that adults, in search of political office, can act like such imbeciles.
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