
Friday, February 5, 2010

Simple Things, catching the wave...

What makes you happy?
For me, it's a calm day at the dock, to catch crab, to watch sea life.

What are the simple things that keep you going?

Visit Chris at enchanted oakfor more simple things . Find out what she and others are doing to help the people of Haiti.


Unknown said...

What a great blog! Love the photos of where you live. Water calms me too! Happy 2010 from Houston, tx

Unknown said...

You always have great photos and I always yuink to myself, "I've been there!"

Dimple said...

Peaceful shot. People standing on a dock always make me think about fishing, which I find very relaxing.
Thanks for the visit.

BTW, do you do any photo editing, or are your shots mostly straight from the camera?

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Brushing Edward makes me happy.

Monkey Man said...

Cup of coffee, the comics, my wife and my comfy red chair.

Brian Miller said...

beautiful pic...and love your simple things...just posted mine as well.

Snowbrush said...

Well, just seeing the sun for hour and hours today was a bit of a lift here in Eugene.

Enchanted Oak said...

Thank you for the neat plug for Simple Things, Rosaria. I'm there with you on that calm day at the dock. Thank you.

Bernie said...

I'll take the same place you have pictured. I go to Lake Michigan and fish from the dock for salmon. 10,000 casts for each fish. But it is just being there and then at sunset when the boats start coming in and the lights in the steeple of the church and other lights go on--that is a happy time.

RNSANE said...

Great photo and I can just picture you right there.

Lisa said...

Ripples. I want ripples in the water.

Fire Byrd said...

Walking the beach with my friends next week is high up there.

Maggie May said...

It is a lovely, calm photo.
Water is calming as long as you haven't fallen in it or anything.

Nuts in May

Unspoken said...

I love the fact that simple things can bring such satisfaction.

This is a great idea,

Anonymous said...

I have to say there is NOTHING better for me than dolphin watching at sea - Love, love, LOVE it!

ellen abbott said...

Watching the birds in the morning while I have my coffee.

Tom Bailey said...

The simple things that keep me going? A pull-up bar, a big cup of green tea, phone calls from friends and viewing blogs of really interesting people.

The water looks so calm it looks like it is a set up for a big storm in a movie or something.

Thanks for sharing,
Tom Bailey

Carol Murdock said...

What makes me happy?
1. When Hubby asks; " are you my girl"? Forever?......

2. A great book and a cup of good coffee.....

3.Standing back and looking at a completed project that turns out sometimes even better than my vision of it!

4. A couple of free hours to sit and cruise all my favorite blogs which is what I'm doing now!

5. Most of all when my grands call and tell me; " I love you Nana"..

NitWit1 said...

Simple things for me:
1. A cup of coffee
2. Time in the boat on the lake, catching fish or no.
3. An hour in church service

Helen said...

Dear Rosaria,
It takes very little to make me happy - very little! Snow falling on pines, a rainbow, deer prancing cross my lawn, laughter, fresh rain.

Reya Mellicker said...

Happiness, for me at least, is not attached to any specific activity. Even in a beautiful landscape, if something is on my mind, I can't enjoy the scenery.

Happiness is elusive, it comes and goes almost of its own free will, or so it seems to me.

I prefer satisfaction to happiness. Completing a task, cooking dinner, taking a walk all bring satisfaction no matter what my mood is. I am for the pursuit of satisfaction.

LadyFi said...

So calm and serene. Beautiful. My list of simple things is up too.

Anonymous said...

Family, nature, warm sunshine, seaside, a great book and good food and wine.

janis said...

Reading your Blog makes me happy : )

Unknown said...

Gorgeously soothing shot! For me: calm waters, dappled forest shade, tropical beaches and turquoise lagoons, a good, simple and laid back meal...

the walking man said...

Pleasure doesn't get much easier than those few things.

potsoc said...

A good book while listening to a favorite recording.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is an easy question.

When we were young and newlyweds I would say sex.

When we were middle aged I would say empty nest.

When we are old, as I am, I would say a good sandwich.

ds said...

"'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free..." A good walk, a book and a cup of tea. Any combo, any order.
Great photo. Thank you for the reminder.

SE'LAH... said...

this is such a beautiful idea...glad to see that it's being used to help those in need...while still uplifting us and helping us to be appreciative for what we do have.

great post here.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

a bad day fishing, crabbing, sitting on a dock of a better than a good day at work!

kanishk said...

walking out in the sunshine with a cool breeze blowing across my face.

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