
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Authorblog: Sunday Roast

A few months ago, David at Authorblog interviewed me. Today, Eddie at Clouds and Silver Linings is continuing David's work and has added my interview.

Please visit him to see my responses to his questions:

Enjoy, and have a great weekend.


Brian Miller said...

great roast! congratulations!

Boozy Tooth said...

Hi Rosaria!

Just followed you over here from your Sunday Roast on Eddie's blog. Congratulations! You did a fabulous job and I enjoyed it very much.

Off to subscribe to your blog! Look forward to getting to know you better!

Alix at Casa Hice

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Congratulations on a fabulous roast, Rosaria!!! I so loved "seeing" you, and learning a little more about your beautiful soul!!! ~Janine XO

Anonymous said...

sorry, but the link didn't work for me :(

RNSANE said...

It was, indeed, a wonderful interview! I enjoyed reading it and learning more about you!

potsoc said...

Sorry, I could not link using the URL you gave. Would have loved to, though.

Reya Mellicker said...

You're famous! How cool. Hey Rosaria don't forget the little people! xx

Eddie Bluelights said...

Hi Rosaria
Thanks for the roast - enjoyed it very much.
Regarding the link to your roast I am afraid it will not work.

Please use
which should find my blog
Clouds And Silvery Linings

Best wishes

Tess Kincaid said...

Well done. Congratulations!

Rosaria Williams said...

Ah! My bad!
I have corrected the link!

Feisty Crone said...

Congrats! Great interview.

potsoc said...

Eddybluelights sent me the correct URL. I greatly enjoyed your interview.

Renee said...

I am going to check it out.


Anonymous said...

Read the interview.
Yes, technicalities are frustrating but it doesn't stop the writings.
Keep writing.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Terrific interview! Congratulations on your Sunday Roast. It's great to get to know you better.

Hilary said...

And a fine roast it was. :)

Bogey said...

What a marvelous "Roast" to go with my morning coffee. Congrats and thanks for the insight.

ds said...

Delicious roast ;) I so enjoyed getting to know you better. Thank you.

Jackie said...

Congratulations... You get an "A" for "Roasting".. :)))
Great job!!!
(Didn't Eddie do a nice job, too!)
Smiles from Jackie

Maggie May said...

I really enjoyed that Roast!
Glad you were not stuck in cyberspace forever, when David gave up.

Nuts in May

Unknown said...

Great roast Rosaria! Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

I must go see this!