
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

LA hot days, cool nights, animals optional...

We're in L.A. to spend time with our family. What do you do in a big city?


No matter where you want to go, you better check your GPS in advance and plot your route.  You can get lost in L.A., in your own neighborhood.

You can go shopping for hours.

You can get consultations for everything.

You can spend more than your mortgage payment on a modest bag. 

And when you sit down for a small meal, prepare to exchange your 401K.

We return to L.A. during cool months, to soak up the sun, and to remember why we left it.

L.A. is too hot, too cool and too distant.


Helen said...

Dear Rosaria,

Thinking of you and wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings. Enjoy LA and all it has to offer but hurry back to OR ~ the best of all?


Shadow said...

aaaah, my pet hat about big places too... driving. and the highways of course... but enjoy it while you're there and happy thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Hope your holiday is fun! Enjoy LA, and keep that GPS plugged in!

Dimple said...

I understand. I am not from
LA, but I was raised in California and I think the same about my town. I do return from time to time to see friends and family, but have no desire to stay.

Renee said...

And because L.A. has you in it right now, it is one of my favourite places.

love Renee xoxo

ellen abbott said...

I really love California except for that fact that it is filled with Californians.

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

You are so right about using blue if you live near the water. I live in the mountains, so green for me. You were so kind, thanks

Brian Miller said...

i hope you have a great time with your fam and a wonderful thanksgiving! careful in the traffic! yikes!

PurestGreen said...

What a shocking difference from your usual photos. It will make you appreciate home so much more.


Jinksy said...

Dear old England aways seems to be too hot or too cold at all the wrong times! At the moment, it's certainly been far too wet, as the widespread flooding proves...

Enchanted Oak said...

You drove right by my house on your way south. Stop and have a lunch with us on your way north. We're a breath of fresh air after the trip to the city. Three or four hours up here, and it's good place to stretch your legs.
I loved L.A. when I lived here. I miss the palm trees. Have a wonderful trip, and Happy Thanksgiving. I'm blogging because I'm putting off making the pumpkin pies. You're blessed to be around family.

Tess Kincaid said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your family, as well as the big city!

Natalie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Rosaria. Enjoy your stay. I must confess, it all looks exciting to me, as i have never been there.xx♥

Gigi said...

Thank you for stopping by my little world today. Love your pictures. Have never been to LA - but I know when I go home (Houston) I always leave with a "thank god I don't live here anymore..." feeling.

Reya Mellicker said...

Shopping, makeovers and palm trees. I remember that part of L.A. But I like it there, when I'm visiting my brother. We never leave Silverlake, so it's kind of sweet.

Enjoy your time with family and happiest Thanksgiving!

rjerdee said...

Oh, you can put up with L.A. conditions because the family rewards are so much greater. Actually, L. A.'s contrasts with Oregon's will allow for much more appreciation--on either end.

Bogey said...

...and by the sounds of it - too expensive! Thanks anyway, but I'll keep my wintry weather surroundings.

Happy Thanksgiving Rosaria!

ds said...

Love the cat pics best. Enjoy your time with your family--happy Thanksgiving!

Renee said...

So happy that you have been allowed out of the kitchen.

love Renee xoxo

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely time! Happy Thankgiving!

Sarah Laurence said...

It must be different having a warm Thanksgiving. You are lucky to be able to harvest the sunshine when you need it most. Happy Thanksgiving!

xxx said...

Enjoy yourselves :)

xx Ribbon

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

The omnipotent GPS was probably created with LA in mind. Enjoy the holiday!

Anonymous said...

Big cities Big fun.
Big cities Big confusions.
I love villages/smaller towns but yes few times I love to visit city if I have to stay within village/smaller town.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

A big hug and hubby for Thanksgiving. My dad is in LA too for the holiday and he tells me the same thing... To think that he he moved away from there just six years ago!

How are you, my dear dear friend?
Lola xx

Renee said...

Can you believe leftovers are just a few of my favourite things.

Stuffing and gravy. Yum.


Sniffles and Smiles said...

"And remember why we left it"--a brilliant clincher!!! Love it!!! We never intend to return to live in California for much the same reason!! Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family!!! And that your Thanksgiving holiday was filled with love!!! ~Janine XO

Marguerite said...

Sounds like a great time! Happy Thanksgiving, a little late!

T. Powell Coltrin said... the big cities, not only driving but waiting in traffic. Have fun in the big city and with your family.

NitWit1 said...

I understand your moties perfectly.

We spent the holidays in Little Rock--no where near the size or L.A. but definitely larger than our 2000 pop. hamlet.

In our younger years we lived near Dallas/Ft Worth.

We appreciate the quieter somewhat rural life of small towns, even with the disadvantages of lack of choice in a number of areas.

Man of Roma said...

Happy Thanksgiving Rosaria! I understand that for you both a meditation on why you left is important. But I confess I never loved LA. And I hate being condemned to driving all the time, no matter where I am.
As for California I always loved San Francisco better.

Eddie Bluelights said...

Enjoy your holiday, Rosaria

Man of Roma said...

These pictures explain better than any word why I don't like LA


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Well, it's raining cats and dogs today in Temecula, (we're south of L.A.) But thankfully our weather was beautiful for the holiday. Yes, the GPS is crucial in getting around the L.A. basin, what a mess it has become. It gets worse each year and now they aren't taking care of the roads which makes things even more difficult. Hope you have a terrific time on your visit.

Beth said...

I hope you guys are having a fantastic time in LA. I've never been - but it is on my bucket list.

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Lovely pictures. And as I write this the rain pours down, it is cold and miserable and everyone is fed up. Swap climates?

Cheryl Cato said...

Rosaria, happy Thanksgiving to you & yours. Enjoy your jaunt in LA, but be tickled to get back home to peace & quiet. Even our little town has had lots of traffic over this holiday. I'm talking seriously-backed-up-for-4-miles traffic. Whew, let's get back to normal.

Woman in a Window said...

Rosaria, you lived in LA? Doesn't seem to fit with who I see you as. Good. Keep me guessing.

Hope your trip is a rich one!

sallymandy said...

Dear R: Oh, having just returned from a trip to Las Vegas, I sure know where you're coming from (no pun intended).

There are certainly things in a big town that you can't get elsewhere, but I'm happy to leave them behind after a few days.

I hope your Thanksgiving with the nubile son was enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

When we went to LA the first time I was fascinated with the traffic signs. Everyone in America knows LA traffic, thanks to shows like the Rockford Files. Jim Rockford used to whiz signs like the La Brea Tar Pits and it was fun to actually SEE them. My head was like a swivel.

Good thing I wasn't driving.

Sharon McPherson said...

I've heard that about LA - you either love it or hate it. But I've only known people who hated it including someone born and bred near Hollywood and since moved out.

Still, having a change of scenery is great. Good luck. :)

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Thanks for the tour time... "

"You can spend more than your mortgage payment on a modest bag." - this brought a knowing smile... continue to enjoy.

Much much love,

Rose Marie

Dave King said...

Is there a down side?

Willow said...

Not all of LA is malls and In'n'Out burgers. I confess I am happy to be out of the traffic in Ventura County but I love our weather!

valeria said...

Very interesting post, lakeviewer! I wish I could be there in LA where I've never been...

karen said...

LA sounds breathless and quite daunting, but what a place!! At least you have your haven to retreat to when necessary!