Water, sand, trees, branches, old logs, birds, deer, pebbles,,,,,
These are the things that surround us and keep us focused. When we need something, like milk or bread or underwear, we have to get into the car and drive fifty, sixty, one hundred and fifty miles to find that something. People that are isolated and live with this much beauty do not need much.
Except at Christmas.
Yes, now is the time that stores do what they do so well: they entice you, excite you, whet your appetite for things you didn't know you needed. And they show you the realm of wants all displayed artfully and temptingly. They deserve all the profits they can make at this time of the year. Without them, we would not know what joys money can buy.
I resist temptation with as much fervor as the Pilgrims did. But at Christmas, I can't be logical and practical. At Christmas, we all turn into Santa. We want to surprise, delight and spoil everyone on our list. We even want to reward the salesperson who is too busy and too harried to answer our questions or show us the ins and out of an appliance. It's O.K we think. Poor guy, he has all these people to attend to!
No wonder then that we will bring out our credit card once again, and charge away. After all, even those poor credit cards companies need warmth and joy this season. We're all dreaming the same dream.
Then, we wish a Merry Little Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all.
Ho ~ Ho ~ Ho!
Hi, Rosaria! Long time, no see... I had to check in today because of your post title, so tongue in cheeky of you. I'm another soul who just loves "to surprise, delight and spoil everyone" on my list. Even people who aren't on my list, when I spy something that would be "just perfect"...
So I'm staying away from stores and temptations. This year I decided to make things again, as I used to do. Snowmen made from balls of string, with buttons for trim and spools of thread for hats... Thanks to Better Homes and Gardens for that idea, but have you priced ordinary "balls of string" lately? Good golly! That "simple" craft threatened to become a $20 masterpiece ... Michael's craft supplies are pricey these days. Had to go unearth my grandmother's old balls of embroidery thread, which made those snowmen very precious indeed!
Warm thoughts of you today...
Where can I charge
Water, sand, trees, branches, old logs, birds, deer, pebbles,,,,,
and how much?
Cranky Old Man
My Goodness.... you do live a long way from the shops! Don't think I could cope with that!
I expect you'd be driven crazy living where I do.
Your views are fantastic though.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
G'day Rosaria. Yes, Christmas time seems to entice me to spend and buy more than I would normally do. All those lovely things in the shops, all that glitter and sparkle turns me into jelly and my credit card company just loves me. Take care. Liz...
wow you better make a list when you go to the store to make sure you dont have to make that drive often...its hard to hold my purse strings a bit at christmas...i want to give....
We go to my daughters for Christmas to be with her, her husband and the grands. She suggested coming light and buying one big gift there for the kids. Sounded good. You should see what will fill a suitcase while trying to be light!
I like Christmas as much as the next person -- but I'll take that view anytime!
christmas in the moment...I like that
go ahead spoil
The puritans didn't have it all figured out....as we know
so enjoy christmas life
We've cut back major this year. It's just the way it is and everyone sort of gave a big sigh of relief. We don't need anything but the time we can spend together. We make sure the little ones enjoy the day, the food is good, the time spent doing fun things like making cookies, sledding if there is snow or even flying kites if the weather permits...so I hope you can enjoy not only your beautiful view, but the spirit of the season.
This year we're splurging on four train tickets so my son and his girlfriend and my twin granddaughters can come on December 26. We'll decorate a tree that night, Santa will will stockings, and we'll Christmas morning on the 27th. Son and girlfriend take the train on the 28th, twins get returned on New Year's Day.
I've never had this celebration with the granddaughters, and it's been 20 years since I had it with the son. Hopefully it will be a worthwhile holiday expense!
Hello beautiful Rosaria... it's true that we all want in some description at this time of year... we want to spend, we want to give, we simply want.
I live without a credit card which keeps thing pretty simple, though there are times that I wish for more than I can have.
Wishing you all the fun and love of the festive season.
I thoroughly enjoy getting to know you through your blog Rosaria and hope you will continue to share for many years to come.
x Robyn
I think I could live like that.. as long as I did get into town when need be.. wherever it may be. And think of how nice it will be to relax again after the rush.
I don't think I have thought of the credit card companies as "poor". Ha. Sounds like you truly like giving gifts.
As always, you speak the truth!
somehow i find myself on the outside of it this year for the first time ever - truly outside of it instead of just longing to be on the outside of it. and i feel mighty fine. it is as surreal here as it is on the other side.
all day long i wrap bits of shit and smile at people, mostly meaning it, and take their money, send them along. how i long to have a meaningful conversation instead, or walk in the woods, or lay in bed with my children reading, or, as i just did with my daughter, stand over a bowl of raw broccoli and cauliflower and munch at ten o'clock at night, talking about nothing in particular. how these gifts go on no card and last forever!
Heart of gold, Rosaria! How clever to feel sorry for the credit card companies. I'll remember that when I use mine!
Lots of charges on the credit card this year~~but not for pretty things to wrap in packages. They're for experiences...a Family Fun Run and Marathon Weekend at DisneyWorld, a week at a beach condo where we'll romp with grandsons and light Christmas candles, a visit to LegoLand.
Wow, fixing the toilet, and those obligatory three or more trips to the hardware store could be a pain!
I feel Christmas going internal. We choose names in our little family of six now, something small, just to enjoy each other. I'm grateful for the quiet. I ignore most of what I see out and about, trying to keep it very small, in here.
Even with the best will in the world -- from time to time -- I can't avoid giving in to all the glam and glitter -- at least a little bit every year. But I try to remember to count my blessings that I am able to do this. Nice post, Rosaria -- made me smile.
Oh for the simple life :)
When we determined it was in our best interest to cut up the credit cards, we found the stores not as enticing.
We use a debit card but fully realize it is like a check--straight out of ye ole checking account.
I have already written how we currently celebrate Christmas and are at peace with it, not criticise others with different ideas. Holidays are personal.
However, I realize you wrote this satirically, so Merry Christmas Rosaria and to hubby, too.
This made me smile - I do not have to drive as far in my little mountain community but I still have to drive into the valley then into 'town' and if I want to really shop for something special, I may have to drive 40ish more miles into Asheville. My cc does get more of a workout at Christmas just because I do not leave my cove much!
*warm smile*
I certainly used my card lately, although I am frugally spoiling this year. Well, maybe not completely. I'm trying.
This Christmas we are not giving much in the way of gifts. A rough two years of double college tuition and high medical bills. I hope to make things special with small, thoughtful gestures though. Happy Holidays Rosario!
No credit card for me. If I cannot buy it today then I cannot afford it tomorrow either.
I was so used to just walking to the supermarket in the UK it was so easy if I forgot something. Now I have to drive, though admittedly not all that far but too far to just keep popping out. Take care Diane
Yes, Rosaria. We are all in this together. And everyone struggles, and we need to try to help as many as we can - and that includes sales clerks and credit card employees. And isn't Christmas such a magical time. You always have the MOST lovely thoughts!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs
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